How do I embed the code?

Detailed instructions for embedding MakeRoom code to Wordpress, Squarespace, Cargo and Wix platforms (as well as other links to useful info!)
Written by Josh
Updated 3 years ago

When your store is ready, we’ll email you your unique embed code, which can also be found on your profile page. Adding the code to your site couldn’t be simpler. Here are some detailed instructions on how to add the code to different platforms.

Some platforms require specific subscriptions to allow you to add custom code. Check that your subscription allows these embeds. We use a powerful Shopify checkout embed. You can check the Shopify documentation or contact your website provider for more details. Of course if you’re really stuck, please email

Adding embed code to a site with an existing shopping cart
The MakeRoom embed code creates a separate cart. If your customer moves to a different page in your online store, then the item will no longer appear in the cart. In this case, please inform us of your site setup, and we can edit the MakeRoom Embed to go directly to the checkout.

How do I embed MakeRoom code on my Wordpress site?

Adding embed code to a blog

You can add embed code to individual posts and to the menu on the home page of your blog.


Embedded MakeRoom Embeds are compatible with the platform but not with This documentation describes WordPress 4.2.2. Your version might be different. You can learn more about WordPress versions on the WordPress support site.

Add embed code to a WordPress post

Right click to ‘Select all’ and then ‘Copy’ the full embed code provided by MakeRoom. 

From your WordPress dashboard, go to your posts.

Create a new post, or edit an existing post where you want to display a MakeRoom Shop.

Depending on the WordPress version you’re using, complete one of the following steps:

In the post, change the text editor from Visual to Text mode.

From the block editor, click the + button, search for Custom HTML, and then click Custom HTML.

Paste the embed code into the text field in the place where you want the MakeRoom Embed or collection to appear.

When you’re done, click Save Draft, Preview, or Publish.

Add embed code to a WordPress menu


From your WordPress dashboard, click Appearance.

Click Customise to open the theme editor, and then click Widgets.

Click the name of the area where you want to add the MakeRoom Embed or custom cart code.

Open an existing Text widget, or click Add a Widget, and then click Text.

Paste the embed code into the main text field within the Text widget.

Save your changes.

How do I embed MakeRoom code on my Squarespace site?


Some advanced customisations on Squarespace are theme-specific. These customisations aren’t supported by the MakeRoom Embed.

You can add embed code to individual posts in Squarespace and to the menus on your home page. In some cases, you might want to do both. For example, you can embed a cart on your home page to receive purchases from MakeRoom Embeds that you embed on individual posts.


From your Squarespace dashboard, open the webpage where you want to add the embed code.

Find the element on the page where you want the MakeRoom Embed to appear, move your cursor over the Page Content area, and then click EDIT.

Click the insert point where you want to add the embed code.

In the More section of the Content Blocks dialog, click Code.

Right click to ‘Select all’ and then ‘Copy’ the full embed code provided by MakeRoom. 

From your Squarespace dashboard, paste the embed code into the CODE dialog. Make sure that the text field is set to receive HTML.

Click APPLY on the EDIT CODE dialog.

Click SAVE again on the page editor. Because Squarespace disables JavaScript in its dashboard, you need to preview your page separately to see the MakeRoom Embed or embedded cart that you’ve added.

If you complete the steps and your MakeRoom Embed is not loading, then you might need to disable Ajax loading. To see more details, go to Enable or disable Ajax.


If you add an embedded cart to a menu on your Squarespace home page, then it receives orders from MakeRoom Embeds that you embed on individual posts.

How do I embed MakeRoom code on my Wix site?

You can add a MakeRoom embedded shop to your Wix website using the Wix Website Editor.


Right click to ‘Select all’ and then ‘Copy’ the full embed code provided by MakeRoom. 


When you create your MakeRoom Embed for a Wix website, you cannot use the Redirect in the same tab option because of Wix limitations.

From your Wix account, find the site you want to edit in the My Sites section, and then click Edit Site.

In the Wix Website Editor, click the + button, and then click More.

Click HTML Code to add an HTML code widget to the page.

Click Enter Code.

On the HTML Settings dialog, paste the embed code for your MakeRoom Embed or collection in the Add your code here field and then click Update.

How do I embed MakeRoom code on my Cargo site?

The Cargo platform allows any iFrame code to be embedded. See their help pages for details

You can paste embed codes directly into the page you are editing, or in the Code View (via the Formatting Toolbar).

I don't have Wordpress, Wix, or Squarespace. How do I embed MakeRoom code on my site?

Check out the Shopify documentation or contact your website provider. Of course if you’re really stuck please email

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